Hair loss tends to be a widely discussed topic amongst the beauty community and industry, as a worldwide solution is still a mystery. Although, there are some treatments that can work for some people there is yet a product that offers to reverse baldness and hair loss completely and that works for different types of hair loss. Even though it can be difficult to understand what hair loss is and how it occurs, we believe it is vital to understand the basics of hair loss in order to look into different solution options that may work to solve the issue. That is why today we will be explaining male pattern baldness in order to provide more insight ad awareness into this particular form of hair loss.
Defining Male Pattern Baldness
Male pattern baldness also known as androgenic alopecia, is actually the most common form of hair loss in men around the world. Male pattern baldness is related to genes and male hormones and can usually be seen in the pattern of a receding hairline and hair thinning on the crown of the head.
How male pattern baldness begins, is when the hair growth cycle eventually weakens which causes the hair follicles to shrink. Shrinking hair follicles then promote shorter and finer strands of hair overtime. Eventually, there comes a point that the growth cycle for each hair strand ends and there are no longer any signs of new hair growth, this then leads to baldness.
Causes of Male Pattern Baldness
There are a couple of different reasons why male pattern baldness occurs in the first place. The first one mentioned above is genetics. Genetics are what makes us who we are, and if hair loss is prevalent in our familial tree, then it will most likely affect us down the line too.
A second cause of male pattern baldness are hormones. That’s right, male pattern baldness is highly associated with the male sex hormones called androgens. Androgens have many functions, including regulating hair growth, as well as regulating the development and maintenance of male characteristics.
Lastly, poor health can lead to male pattern baldness as well. Health conditions that appear in forms of a rash, redness, and even patchy or unusual patterns of hair loss on the scalp can be a cause of male pattern baldness. However, if you are concerned about your health it is advised to seek the help of a doctor or medical professional for more information.
Do I Have Male Pattern Baldness?
One of the ways to detect if you have male pattern baldness is if your hair loss begins at the temples or the crown of the head. However it can appear in a variety of ways, for example, it can be identified as a single bald spot, a receding hairline in the form an “M” shape, and even as gradual hair loss until there is no longer any hair left.
What Can I Do To Conceal Male Pattern Baldness?
There are options available if you are experiencing male pattern baldness and want to conceal hair loss or simply look like you have hair again. Options include, wearing a hair replacement system, trying out hair toppers, and using hair fibers. Wearing a hair replacement system allows you to fully conceal any hair loss and achieve the look of natural hair. This also applies to hair toppers, however hair toppers are more for those that experience hair loss mainly at the crown of their heads. However, if hair systems and hair toppers seem like too much work, hair fibers are a great alternative! Hair fibers such as Fiberbond’s Keratin Thickening Fibers, are an instant solution to hair loss. The way that hair fibers work is by statically attaching to existing hair, once applied they are able to mimic the appearance of hair and make the hair appear fuller instantly, completely concealing any signs of hair loss or male pattern baldness right before your eyes.